We will meet your any demand such as slimming, correction, skin care, detox, ultimate relaxation or the like with confidence.
英国式デトックスフットスパ British Detox Foot Spa
This is a killer detox program.
"Discharge of poison" by a spa detox beauty born in Europe.
To be more beautiful, slimmer and more youngful and beautiful skin.
You do not need sweat, do the exercise, drink a diet beverages or try a specific meal plan. By just putting your foot in a specific foot bath, toxin will go out from the bottom of your foot. It is super effective to diet, beautiful skin, anti-aging, health maintenance and deodorant!! [¥27000 for 6 tickets (valid for 3 months)]
30min | ¥5,000 |
Beauty Manipulative Treatment for Lower Body [Pelvis Adjustment]
(including Ultrasound Wave Massage for lower body + Foot Bath)
Massage to approach to distortion of bone frames (of lower body) mainly. Manipulative treatment rather than massage. (also as known as F-natural healing) By adjusting distortion of your pelvis and your lower body, unwellness (such as lower back pain, camps, stiff shoulders or the like) can be alleviated (this is not medical practice) and you can get more beautiful leg lines (bow-legs and swelling of legs are ameliorated). Realize the difference between before and after treatment.
70min | ¥8,000 |
Intestine Therapy + Drenarging for Back (including Foot Bath)
An original technique of mixture of kneading and acupressure release stiffness and waste from your lower back to shoulders. And then, the intestine therapy approaches activation of your organs catching up the pathway. This is very effective immediately to constipation, skin troubles and slimming your waist.
It can be packed with Drenarging for Lower Body for 50 minutes regularly\6,000.
In this case, we provide it for \13,000⇒\12,000 (including Heat Mat Swaddling).
60min | ¥7,000 |
Monter Lift-up Guasha Pathway Therapy (including Heat Mat Swaddling & Foot Bath)
【This is a popular menu of our salon】
Treatment as a blend of the Monter therapy developed based on the oriental medicine and the beauty regimen of the guasha, a traditional home remedy of China.
・Using a special guasha plate that is not likely to redden your skin compared to usual guasha plates, lifting up your skin immediately by natural ores contained in the plate and soften your muscles by stimulating your acupressure points to limber up your muscle and release stiffness and fatigue.
・Correcting distortion of your muscles to make your body line beautiful
・Enhancing your homeostatic function and health improvement
・Blood circulation promotion, improving metabolism
[Recommendable those who...]
・worried about cellulite or fat
・easily fatigued
・sensitive to cold and swollen
・have a stiff shoulder or neck
・intends to get a beautiful body
120min | ¥11,000 |
Californian Massage (including Heat Mat Swaddling & Foot Bath)
This is a modified, in France that is a home for esthetic salons, relaxation & detox massage that became the rage in USA. Our owner was trained and mastered in France and got the diploma.
This massage originated in breast care. Enjoy unique and ultimate massage from head to heals.
90min | ¥9,000 |
Ultrasound Massage (Feet, Arms, Back, Butt or the like)
Massage your blasted parts of your body with a cutting-age ultrasound machine with 2 million vibrations per second is so effective to slimming your body!
各20min | ¥4,000 |
ショートコース Small Package
ヘッドモンテ(天然鉱石入りのローションと独特のマッサージ法で小顔とリフトアップ効果) Head Monter Therapy (Effective for smaller and lifting up your face by lotion containing natural ore and original massage) |
15min | ¥2,000 |
英国式リフレクソロジー British Reflexology |
30min | ¥3,000 |
ハンドマッサージ Hand Massage |
10min | ¥1,500 |
フットマッサージ Foot Massage |
15min | ¥2,000 |
下半身ドレナージュ(フットバス付) Drenarging for Lower Body (including Foot Bath) |
50min | ¥6,000 |
※All the prices do not include tax.